What is Bitcoin Profit actually?

The topic of Bitcoin has fascinated more and more people in recent years. Reports from friends and acquaintances who have already made a lot of money as traders are increasingly doing the rounds and it is no wonder that more and more investors are interested in this way of making money. For example, just in the past three years, there has been a surge in the value and volume of Bitcoin trading, which has opened up many new prospects for investors around the world. The current Bitcoin market capitalisation, which currently has the unimaginable value of more than USD 135 billion, shows investors, investment advisors and traders the incredible opportunities they have to make a lot of money with one of the world’s leading cryptocurrencies.

Another advantage of the Bitcoin currency is that the handle is possible practically around the clock, because the window for making profits is also open at any time. In addition, the crypto trading bot Bitcoin Profit gives Bitcoin traders the chance to optimise their profits at any time. So the question quickly arises, how does this work? The answers to this question can be found in this guide.

### Logo ###

What is Bitcoin Profit actually?

Bitcoin Profit is a trading software for cryptocurrencies that examines huge amounts of global data, which is of great importance for Bitcoin, and thus offers the best trading opportunities so that investors like you can make the biggest profits day after day. The trading bot is able to analyse the market at a very high speed, a fact that would be impossible for a human. This means that the system is always able to show you the best times to buy or sell bitcoin.

Features & Functionality

### Key figures ###

Who or what is behind Bitcoin Profit?

You will certainly ask yourself who actually invented or developed Bitcoin Profit. Unfortunately, no inventor of Bitcoin Profit is named on the bot homepage, which means that it is not known who is actually behind the software. However, the main functions and features of the bot indicate that it can only be a computer programmer with extensive knowledge of machine learning, because no one else is able to create a cryptocurrency trade like this bot. In any case, you can be sure that you will be connected to a reputable broker anytime, anywhere.

### 3 steps ###

Opinions about Bitcoin Profit

I immediately spoke to an Bitcoin Profit employee after successfully signing up, who called me so he could explain how the bot worked. He politely walked me through the bot in a way that was easy to understand and explained how it worked in great detail. So now I know what is possible with the bot and how I can best use the new account dashboard. From now on, I can earn more than 400 US dollars a day with my account and I am already looking forward to that.

Advantages & disadvantages


Automated trading: The user is able to use the convenience of automated trading with the bot. He just needs to make the desired settings.

Multiple deposit options: PayPal, Skrill as well as various bank transfer options are available for loading on the account.

In-dashboard customer service: Those who need online help can reach the customer service via the account dashboard.

Daily withdrawal of winnings: Winnings can be withdrawn every day.

Access to multiple platforms: You can access your mobile and desktop gadgets on the bot.


Minor limitations: Unfortunately, the number of cryptocurrencies that can be traded is limited.


Bitcoin Profit presents an easy opportunity to trade cryptocurrencies and make profits. There is no need to sit in front of a computer all day to manually track market data. Bitcoin Profit gives the necessary trading signals at all times, and the user only needs to follow the instructions.

How does Bitcoin Profit compare to other bots?
Bitcoin Profit is one of the most reliable trading bots on the market. The software is therefore the best that the market currently has to offer. We can therefore recommend Bitcoin Profit without reservation.

PayPal ziet Crypto Trading Volume Surge als Bitcoin Prijsherstel.

De vaste PayPal van de betalingen heeft een nieuw verslag in de handelsvolumes van de cryptocurrency transactie geraakt aangezien de prijs van bitcoin terug van een duik stuitert die het van een bijna $42.000 hoogte van alle tijden tot $30.500 zag dalen.

Voor sociale media, wees Alex Saunders erop dat PayPal zijn vorige crypto handelsvolumerecord gisteren verdubbelde, zoals het eerste dat door Financià „le Magnaten wordt bevlekt, de dag begon de prijs van BTC te herstellen, door het handelsvolume van cryptocurrencyuitwisseling ItBit te bekijken, de institutionele-rang cryptouitwisseling die door Paxes wordt gelanceerd die Paypal gebruikt.

Het is niet duidelijk of de handelsvolumes te wijten waren aan een toename van de bitcoin-aankopen, of dat ze afkomstig waren van cryptocurrentbeleggers die in paniek hun holdings verkochten omdat de prijs van BTC aanzienlijk was gedaald ten opzichte van het recordniveau.

PayPal, het is het vermelden waard, kondigde in oktober vorig jaar aan dat het zijn klanten zou toelaten „cryptocurrency rechtstreeks van hun PayPal-rekening te kopen, te houden en te verkopen“. Bovendien is PayPal van plan „het nut van cryptocurrency aanzienlijk te verhogen door het beschikbaar te stellen als financieringsbron voor aankopen bij zijn 26 miljoen handelaars wereldwijd“.

Alleen gebruikers in de VS kunnen momenteel bitcoin kopen met PayPal, hoewel het betalingsbedrijf van plan is om de dienst in de toekomst wereldwijd uit te rollen. De gegevens van CryptoCompare for ItBit laten zien hoeveel handelsvolumes er op PayPal zijn gestegen.

Het grootste deel van het handelsvolume, zo blijkt uit de gegevens, was op het BTC/USD-paar, terwijl een aanzienlijk deel ook voor ETH bestemd was. ItBit heeft handelsparen voor BTC, ETH, LTC en BCH – de vier cryptoassets die PayPal zijn gebruikers laat kopen – en voor Paxos Gold (PXG). Het handelsvolume voor de laatste, het is het vermelden waard, was te verwaarlozen.

De prijs van Bitcoin wordt momenteel verhandeld op $34.400 nadat de zware verkoop leidde tot een long squeeze die leidde tot de liquidatie van high-lveraged long posities op de crypto-derivatenbeurzen in een tijd waarin de Amerikaanse dollar aan kracht begon te winnen.

Tijdens de uitverkoop bleven de bitcoin-adressen met meer dan 1.000 BTC – de zogenaamde walvissen – groeien, terwijl die met 0,1 BTC of minder daalden, wat betekende dat grote beleggers zich bleven opstapelen en dat retailbeleggers hun fondsen bleven verkopen.

Voor sommige analisten, waaronder Lark Davis, werd de uitverkoop kortgesloten door walvissen die vervolgens gebruik maakten van de lagere prijzen om de fondsen die de kleine beleggers in paniek verkochten op te slokken. De analist waarschuwde de beleggers dat ze moesten voorkomen dat ze „walvisvoer“ zouden worden.

C’è di più nella storia di Bitcoin Options!

Il mercato dei derivati ​​delle criptovalute ha avuto un grande successo nel 2020. Mentre i Bitcoin Futures sono stati molto sotto i riflettori a causa della crescita del CME, Bitcoin Options ha rubato la scena con la sua corsa costante nel corso del 2020.

Tuttavia, il suo ingrandimento va oltre il normale interesse dei trader, con altri fattori che giocano un ruolo fondamentale nel processo

Secondo l’ultima newsletter istituzionale di Deribit , il fatturato nozionale totale nel 2020 è stato di 211 miliardi di dollari, accumulando tutti i contratti e le monete. Il fatturato di Bitcoin Options è stato vicino a $ 180- $ 190 miliardi. Ha registrato un aumento dell’82% rispetto al 2019, un dato che ha dimostrato l’aumento anno su anno del settore.

L’ultimo trimestre dell’anno è stato particolarmente speciale in quanto la corsa al rialzo ha favorito un’attività di trading estremamente elevata. Ora, sulla carta, può sembrare impeccabile, ma il 2020 è stato molto di più.

Il mercato delle opzioni Bitcoin non avrebbe registrato un interesse e un volume così elevati se certe cose non fossero andate per il verso giusto nel mercato.

Prezzo Bitcoin, recupero e vantaggio dei dati

Quando si osserva il grafico allegato, possiamo vedere che il secondo trimestre del 2020 non è stato così impressionante come il resto dei trimestri. È stato alla pari con il trimestre più basso del 2019 ed è stato tutto dovuto al crollo del mercato di marzo. Ora, anche se il secondo trimestre del 2020 è stato tiepido dal punto di vista del mercato dei derivati, il prezzo ha guadagnato uno slancio rialzista in questo periodo di 3 mesi, slancio che ha messo in moto le ruote per il resto dell’anno.

Bitcoin si è ripreso rapidamente e dopo il suo terzo dimezzamento, BTC è salito ancora una volta al valore a 5 cifre di $ 10.000. Il terzo trimestre del 2020 ha raccolto parte del suo vapore e poi, il quarto trimestre ha stabilito il miglior trimestre nella storia del mercato delle opzioni Bitcoin.

Sebbene il prezzo del Bitcoin fosse importante nel settore dei derivati, un altro vantaggio delle Opzioni rispetto ai Futures è la disponibilità di dati extra. Le opzioni danno la possibilità di attingere al sentimento collettivo con l’aiuto della volatilità implicita.

Bitcoin rally catapults crypto market to one trillion US dollars

The crypto market is rushing from one record high to the next and has cracked a supposedly insurmountable mark in rally mode.

It happened: Overnight, the total market capitalization of all listed cryptocurrencies cracked the magic mark of one trillion US dollars for the first time. The all-time high is the interim result of a rapid rally that was triggered by the Bitcoin Rush exchange rate (BTC) reaching US $ 20,000 just four weeks ago. While Bitcoin rose to $ 37,000 in the same period, its total market capitalization almost doubled in just one month.

How will the gold price develop in the future?

Ready for the next move in gold? Reduce costs with spreads of 0.18 pts. Pepperstone – 30ms execution, award-winning platform, support chosen at No. 1 *. Between 74% and 89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you can afford the high risk of losing your money.

With a market capitalization of currently around 690 billion US dollars, the lion’s share of the total market capitalization is accounted for by the crypto-draft horse Bitcoin, whose dominance over the altcoins is almost 70 percent. The total value of all cryptocurrencies becomes a little more tangible compared to the largest listed companies.

If the crypto market were a public company, it would have a total market capitalization of $ 1 trillion, according to Statistacheated into fifth place among the world’s largest listed companies. The not entirely unknown US holding Alphabet Inc., formerly Google, would have to vacate the chair. As of 2019, the company had a market capitalization of 919 billion US dollars.

There is still some catching up to do up to the top 4, but the gap to the premier class is getting shorter and shorter. The market cap of the three tech giants Amazon, Apple and Microsoft is between 1.23 and 1.35 trillion US dollars. If the growth curve on the crypto market points steeply north in the coming weeks, the crypto market could also overtake this illustrious group.

However, there is still room for improvement up to the spearhead. The oil production company Saudi Aramco took first place, with a market capitalization of 1.68 trillion US dollars. The crypto market would have to put the Bitcoin market cap on top again, then the total value of all crypto assets would have won the Champions League in this fictitious calculation example.

… and shows the Netherlands the spurs

The crypto market also does well in a GDP comparison. The crypto market would take 17th place among the largest economies in the world, ahead of the Netherlands with a gross domestic product of 909 billion US dollars place.

As you can see, the crypto-economy is becoming increasingly important and can already compete with the largest companies in the world. In view of the current upward trend, more and more players from the traditional financial world are jumping on the crypto train. If this trend continues, Bitcoin and Co. are likely to become an integral part of the portfolio of all types of investors in the future.

EXW Wallet – BaFin issues new warning to investors

EXW Wallet – BaFin issues fresh warning to investors

The German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) again pointed out a suspicion against EXW Global. According to this, the suspicion is that the company is providing unauthorised payment services in this country.

In a recent press release, BaFin pointed out that neither Vivaexchange ÖU nor EXW Global Co. Ltd. is authorised to provide payment services in this country. On its website ex-wallet.com, Vivaexchange ÖU „advertises, among other things, the trading of digital currencies via its trading platform Crypto Investor as well as the issuing of credit cards and the implementation of a PoS payment system“, it says.

Since the company, which is registered in Estonia, also has a chief sales officer in Germany, there is a suspicion that Vivaexchange ÖU or EXW Global Co. Ltd. is providing „unauthorised payment services in Germany“ with the EXW Wallet.

A suspicion that the financial supervisory authority has not expressed for the first time.

Because already about a year ago, BTC-ECHO reported on the suspicion of fraud on the part of the German Financial Services Authority (BaFin) and its Austrian counterpart (FMA) against EXW Global AG and its EXW Wallet. When the company changed its imprint to Vivaexchange ÖU a little later, BaFin and FMA issued investor warnings about it as well. Previously, the crypto company advertised on its website in broken German that one could buy the EXW token „and if you hold it, you get a daily bonus“ [sic!].

Even today, the company, whose headquarters are sometimes in Thailand, sometimes in Liechtenstein and sometimes in Estonia, advertises a secure environment for digital and fiat currencies. In questionable English, it is still pointed out that the developers would invest „their heart and hard work“ every day to guarantee users the best possible experience. Meanwhile, those who have actually opened an EXW Wallet complain on online review sites like Trustpilot. The biggest criticism: the funds are not paid out.

Bitcoin (BTC) på forsiden af ​​Financial Times

Den nuværende Bitcoin-prisrally fortsætter med at tjene forsideinteresse fra de almindelige medier.

Bitcoin (BTC) på forsiden af ​​Financial Times

Verdens førende kryptokurrency, Bitcoin, har været i rampelyset af alle de rigtige grunde i nyere tid.
Bitcoin (BTC) har i løbet af de sidste par måneder registreret en massiv prisrally, hvilket ansporer den langt over sin tidligere all-time-high (ATH) pris. Kryptoen den 3. januar 2021 fejrede 12 år siden dens ikoniske genese-blok. Interessant nok opnåede Bitcoin en ny ATH på $ 34.800 samme dag.

Den Financial Times , en internationalt anerkendt virksomhed avis endvidere, figurerede King Crypto på forsiden. Funktionen handlede hovedsageligt om Bitcoins stigning til $ 30.000. Især har BTCs nuværende prisrally været centrum for tiltrækning i nyere tid.

Mere bæredygtig prisstigning

I 2017, under BTCs første bemærkelsesværdige bull run, afviste mange analytikere prisrallyet som en boble. Sådanne stemmer sagde, at tyren i 2017 ikke var bæredygtig. Det samme kan ikke siges om den nuværende BTC-prisrally. Mainstream-medier, som i vid udstrækning har været i spidsen for at kritisere kryptorummet, har svært ved at forblive skeptiske. BTCs aktuelle prisrally, der vises på forsiden af Financial Times, er også en klar indikation af dette.

Ifølge rapporter forventes Bitcoins prisrally at fortsætte. Joseph Young påpeger, at dette skyldes, at flere mennesker køber ind i kryptoen, og ingen sælger.

FOMO (frygt for at gå glip af) er også enormt hos små købere og detailinvestorer.

Institutionelle investorer i spidsen for BTC-prisrally

PwCs globale kryptoleder Henri Arslanian kaster mere lys over årsagen til BTCs nuværende prisrally . Interessant nok er BTC-prisrally tilskrevet den øgede interesse hos institutionelle købere. Blandt dem er MicroStrategy , MassMutual og Square , der har flyttet en stor del af deres midler til Bitcoin. Kryptoprisstigningen blev også ansporet af godkendelsen fra flere Wall Street-giganter som Paul Tudor Jones og Stanley Druckenmiller . Ifølge Arslanian har den nuværende BTC-pris ikke vist tegn på at bremse.

Forside-artiklen fra Financial Times dækkede flere vigtige detaljer om kryptoen og dens ikoniske stigning til $ 30.000.

Den pludselige interesse for almindelige medier i kryptorummet er ret overraskende. Sidste november hævdede Financial Times , at „Bitcoin ikke havde nogen grundlæggende værdi, og dens rally var rent drevet af spekulanter.“ Deres nylige artikel synes imidlertid at have en anden opfattelse.

Altcoin Buzz offentliggjorde for nylig en dybtgående artikel om, hvem der har hvor meget Bitcoin (BTC)?

JPMorgan’s $146.000 Bitcoin Preis-Szenario

Die Bank prognostiziert ein langfristiges Preisziel von $146.000 für Bitcoin und erwartet, dass Investoren ihr Geld aus dem Gold abziehen werden.

Es wird erwartet, dass der Bitcoin-Preis vom Geldabfluss aus dem Goldmarkt profitieren wird, sagt JPMorgan. Eine der weltweit führenden Investmentbanken erwähnte in einer Notiz, dass das langfristige Preisziel von Bitcoin bei etwa 146.000 Dollar liegt.

JPMorgan Stratege, Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou schrieb in einer Notiz, dass der Bitcoin-Preis in der Lage wäre, Vorteile von Geldabflüssen aus Gold-bezogenen Anlageprodukten zu erhalten. Panigirtzoglou erwähnte, dass die jüngste Rallye in BTC es für Analysten schwieriger machte, den Kryptowährungswert zu bewerten.

Der Stratege skizzierte den Wettbewerb zwischen Bitcoin und Gold als alternative Währung und merkte an, dass BTC um mindestens 400% steigen muss, um das Preisziel von 146.000 $ zu erreichen. Er erwähnte, dass es eine riesige Aufgabe für BTC sein wird, die gesamten Investitionen des privaten Sektors in goldbezogene Anlageprodukte über börsengehandelte Fonds oder Barren und Münzen zu erreichen.

„Die Verdrängung von Gold als ‚alternative‘ Währung impliziert auf lange Sicht einen großen Aufwärtstrend für Bitcoin. Allerdings ist es unwahrscheinlich, dass sich die Volatilitäten von Bitcoin und Gold schnell annähern und ist unserer Meinung nach ein mehrjähriger Prozess. Dies impliziert, dass das theoretische Bitcoin-Kursziel von über 146.000 Dollar als langfristiges Ziel betrachtet werden sollte und somit ein nicht nachhaltiges Kursziel für dieses Jahr darstellt“, so Panigirtzoglou in der Notiz.


Die jüngste Preisvolatilität bei Bitcoin hat es für jeden schwierig gemacht, die nächste Bewegung der größten Kryptowährung der Welt vorherzusagen. Der BTC-Preis durchbrach Anfang dieser Woche $30.000 und erreichte ein Allzeithoch von $34.000. Gestern erlebte der Preis eine Korrektur, als BTC auf $28.000 abstürzte. Allerdings sprang der Preis später und zum Zeitpunkt des Schreibens, BTC schwebt bei rund $31,000.

„Der Bewertungs- und Positionshintergrund ist für Bitcoin zu Beginn des neuen Jahres deutlich schwieriger geworden. Während wir die Möglichkeit nicht ausschließen können, dass sich die aktuelle Spekulationsmanie weiter ausbreitet und den Bitcoin-Preis in Richtung der Konsensregion zwischen $50.000-$100.000 treibt, glauben wir, dass sich solche Preisniveaus als nicht nachhaltig erweisen würden,“ heißt es in der Notiz.

Bitcoin is the ‚winner of supply and demand‘, according to Anthony Pompliano

Anthony „Pomp“ Pompliano says Bitcoin is the winner of the bid and ask exercise.

Pomp wouldn’t be surprised if the price of bitcoin hit $ 100,000 before the end of 2021.

The supply shock can catapult bitcoin to a new ATH.

As Bitcoin (BTC) seeks a new all-time high (ATH), noted permabull Anthony ‚Pomp‘ Pompliano, said the largest crypto by market cap could cross $ 100,000 per ‚coin‘ before the end of 2021 .

Several Bitcoin supporters are forecasting a parabolic rise in the price of BTC in the current bullish streak. BTC is currently up over 168% year-to-date (YTD).

The confluence of the winds propels the soaring bitcoin prices

Speaking to CNBC on November 25, Pompliano, co-founder of crypto asset hedge fund Morgan Creek Digital, described Bitcoin as „the winner of the bid and ask exercise.“

According to Pomp, the current price of BTC is due to a convergence of several factors forcing increased demand for a scarce asset.

In May, Bitcoin saw another halving event as block rewards become even rarer. This step meant a further reduction in the daily supply of BTC amid growing demand for the popular cryptocurrency.

Speaking in the interview, Pomp identified the growing pivot towards inflation-hedging assets and the desire for long-term HODLing as triggers for upward action in BTC prices .

The Morgan Creek Digital co-founder also pointed to the supply shock brought on by massive whale buying activities like PayPal and Square.

Even though bitcoin is still trading at around $ 700 less than its ATH, over 97% of BTC addresses are profitable. Indeed, long-term HODLing seems to be the dominant investment logic among holders.

Pompliano also highlighted the growing institutional appetite for bitcoin, as seen in recent months. State-owned companies like MicroStrategy and Square are now adopting BTC as a cash reserve asset instead of cash .

Wall Street leads 2020 bullish lead

Unlike the 2017 surge, the current upward progression seems much quieter, with Bitcoin searches on Google falling far below the levels seen three years ago. For Mike Novogratz , founder of Galaxy Digital:

“This rally is driven by institutions that are slowly entering space, wealthy individuals, hedge funds, real institutions. Bitcoin has become a macro asset. “

As is the case during bitcoin’s bullish times, many commentators are particularly bullish with the BTC price predictions. Speaking in the interview, Pompliano said the price of bitcoin could reach $ 100,000 before the end of 2021.

According to Pomp, if the emerging institutional consensus regarding Bitcoin solidifies, then the price of BTC should easily climb even these high cliffs.

In the midst of this parabolic advance driven by the big money players, some stakeholders are claiming that Bitcoin will begin to challenge gold as a de facto inflation hedging asset.

Enveloppe du marché : Bitcoin dépasse les 19,4 K$

Enveloppe du marché : Bitcoin dépasse les 19,4 K$ ; le volume des options sur l’éther Deribit augmente

Jusqu’où peut aller le prix du bitcoin ? Selon les analystes, plus le prix est élevé, plus les investisseurs sont nombreux à investir. En attendant, l’augmentation du volume des options sur l’éther sur Deribit rendra probablement les produits dérivés plus chers.

Le bitcoin (BTC) se négocie autour de 18 987 dollars à 21h00 UTC (16h00 ET). Gain de 3,2 % sur les 24 heures précédentes.
Fourchette des bitcoins sur 24 heures : 18 059 à 19 392 dollars
BTC en dessous de sa moyenne mobile de 10 jours mais au-dessus de 50 jours, un signal latéral pour les techniciens du marché.

Le prix de Bitcoin a franchi la barre des 19 000 dollars mardi, atteignant 19 392 dollars, selon les données du CoinDesk 20. Son prix a Crypto Bank a ensuite perdu un peu de sa vigueur mais a rebondi à 18 987 dollars au moment de la mise sous presse.

Plus d’informations ici : Bitcoin casse 19 000 $, un nouveau record semble imminent

„Nous avons pu tester un niveau record aujourd’hui“, a déclaré Rupert Douglas, responsable des ventes institutionnelles pour le courtier en crypto Koine. „Nous avons eu une telle montée en puissance que je chercherais à faire des bénéfices.“

Le prix record de Bitcoin était de 19 738 $ le 18 décembre 2017, selon les données historiques de CoinDesk 20 bitcoin.

„Le bitcoin s’approche rapidement des sommets historiques, avec une résistance finale à partir de 2017 à portée de main“, a noté Katie Stockton, analyste technique pour Fairlead Strategies. „Il y a quelques signes d’épuisement, mais ils ne sont pas actionnables à moins qu’une perte d’élan ne se produise.“

Avec plus de 1,6 milliard de dollars au moment de mettre sous presse, la dynamique sous la forme de volumes USD/BTC sur cinq grandes bourses combinées est prête pour un nouveau jour de gloire. Mardi s’annonce comme le deuxième plus grand jour du mois dernier, car les journées de volume de milliards de dollars pour les cinq bourses sont de plus en plus courantes.

Les actions mondiales connaissent également une journée haussière, avec des indices qui clignotent en vert de manière importante :

  • L’indice Nikkei 225 de l’Asie a terminé la journée dans le vert à 2,5 %, l’approbation officielle de la transition de la présidence américaine de Joe Biden et les nouvelles positives concernant le vaccin contre le coronavirus ayant fait monter l’indice.
  • Le FTSE 100 en Europe a clôturé en hausse de 1,5 %, la nouvelle que le président élu Biden nomme l’ancienne présidente de la Réserve fédérale américaine Janet Yellen au poste de secrétaire au Trésor ayant stimulé le sentiment.
  • Aux États-Unis, le S&P a grimpé de 1,5 % alors que les investisseurs ont appuyé sur le bouton d’achat des actions de valeur dans un contexte de certitude politique accrue à l’approche de 2021.

Depuis le début de l’année sans corrélation avec le S&P 500 – qui est noté „0“ dans le graphique ci-dessous – la performance de bitcoin a été plus proche de celle des actions après le crash de mars, lorsque les actifs ont chuté en raison des inquiétudes liées au COVID-19. Le coefficient de corrélation des deux sur une base de 90 jours se situe maintenant autour de 0,3.

Un environnement économique optimiste a donné aux actions et aux bitcoins des propriétés „à risque“ comme actifs d’investissement.

„Le bitcoin est maintenant devenu un actif à risque au même titre que les marchés des actions“, a fait remarquer Jason Lau, directeur général de la bourse des devises cryptographiques OKCoin, basée à San Francisco.

Les analystes s’attendent à l’arrivée prochaine de 20 000 dollars par BTC, ce qui pourrait entraîner des ventes à profit mais aussi des achats plus haussiers, selon Rich Rosenblum, responsable du trading de la société de crypto GSR.

„Atteindre 20 000 dollars entraînera probablement une prise de bénéfices“, a noté M. Rosenblum. „Cependant, atteindre un nouveau sommet historique apportera également la validation du bitcoin, ce qui pourrait inciter à acheter davantage une fois que nous serons fermement au-dessus de 20 000 $. Une fois que nous aurons atteint un nouveau sommet, tous les investisseurs de bitcoin seront dans le coup“.

En+ Group and BitRiver established a company for the mining of cryptovoltaic currencies.

Aluminium and hydropower producer En+ Group has announced a partnership with BitRiver, the data centre operator, to establish a Bit+ cryptovoltaic mining facility.

The parties have already launched a 10 MW site in Bratsk, next to the BitRiver data centre. In the future, the capacity of the facility will be increased to 40 MW.

The site consists of 14 mobile data centres for the mining of cryptocurrency. Each mobile module is capable of accommodating up to 400 S19 Pro new generation miners.

En+ Group is responsible for guaranteed electricity supplies and BitRiver is responsible for operational management of the site.

The joint venture is aimed at resource efficient low carbon trace mining:

„Low average annual temperature in the Irkutsk region allows reducing energy consumption of the centres, which increases their efficiency and, at the same time, reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere,“ said Mikhail Khardikov, head of En+ Group’s energy business.

In July, BitRiver and the Binance Pool platform announced cooperation aimed at creating infrastructure for the cryptovoltaic and mining industries in Russia and the CIS.